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Dream Factory by TruBridge Ideas Portal

Thrive Web Client

Showing 4

Ability for Users to Change the Color Scheme in Web Client

Some of our users need more than just large font they also need better color delineation. When in TWC, if you go to click on something on the left while in a patient chart ie Problem List it would be nice if the color was more than a pale gray, I ...
Guest over 1 year ago in Thrive Web Client 5 In Development

change all "Save" and "Update" buttons and terminology to be consistent throughout.

I am requesting that similar functions have similar labels; different functions have different labels in the EMR system. Meaning the "Save" labels and the "Update" labels found throughout the Thrive system be changed to "Save" for consistency. Th...
Tracie Bastien over 1 year ago in Thrive Web Client 3 In Development

Help should automatically show content based on your location in the system.

Help should automatically load information based on the screen you are in. Users shouldn't have to search for relevant content. The content should be searchable as well. Having to read an entire document to find the one sentence you need isn't pro...
Guest over 2 years ago in Thrive Web Client / TruBridge EHR - Clinical / TruBridge EHR - Financial / TruLearn 1 In Development

Tasks in TWC needs an alert icon that would state how many unsigned items are in the folder

Most of our providers are starting to use the TWC and going straight to the Whiteboard navigation choice, so the next time they log in, they are taken directly to the Whiteboard. After a while, they forget "Tasks" exist and they stop clicking on i...
Tracie Bastien over 2 years ago in HomeScreen / Thrive Web Client / TruBridge EHR - Clinical 8 In Development