Schedules in 3R viewed by all employees within the respective department
Allow employees within their own department to view all other employees in same department schedule so that if they need to switch shifts another employee is easily found to switch with and a request can be entered at that time versus viewing a pr...
Auto Punch schedule templates should still auto punch when making schedule adjustments or requests for time off. For example, a manager works in the am but is taking the pm off - the schedule should still auto punch the morning shift in the timesh...
3R-Allow documents to be scanned against time off requests.
Currently you can scan documentation against expenses. Would like the option to scan documentation again time off request such as doc excuses, obits for bereavement, jury duty summons, conferences/workshop certificates or agendas, etc.
When a KPI is updated, it would be helpful if there was a way to mass update all assigned KPIs to the most recent version instead of having to update each employee individually.
Our benefit administrator has the ability to partner with payroll vendors to offer benefit enrollment through the payroll system with an integration to our benefits system which is Employee Navigator (Clarity). This would eliminate the need for us...
3R Management Suite - Merge and Pivot Options within all Report Templates.
Options within Reporting Templates to apply a Merge and Pivot functionality. This will allow Report Template Merge option across templates/reports. Then also offer the ability to Pivot the report ahead of generation.