Tracking Board Notifications became available as far back as the 21.04.00 release and the team continues to work on new notifications as well as refining existing notification. A Nursing Task List/Worklist DFE-I-932 is being developed. There are many foundational pieces that need to be addressed first with Nursing Orders and Interventions. Please continue to add your comments and requests for more Tracking Board notifications as well as the Task List item mentioned.
We have a Task List in the planning stages. We have to start with making the nursing orders like "VS every 8 hours" structured with the ability to add a frequency to them. There are also other types of nursing orders that are not tasks but equally important, like Code Status, Provider Admit Reason, Consult order, that will update other areas of Thrive when placed through Order Entry. We have started the work needed for the nursing orders and will continue from there.
This needs to include alerts for upcoming medication re-assessments as well, for example after a patient receives a pain med. There's already a Specialty Card on Patient Data Console for active meds, could their be color change alerts applied to that card or another card that can be created specifically for PRN and Pain meds that can trigger alerts?
So many items get missed on order chronology. Really need a treatment administration record just like the meds so that you are notified of treatments that are due or late, etc. Truly becomes a patient safety issue.
Our team really misses our work list that we had in Centriq. Order chron is not as user friendly for checking off tasks. The Nursing orders need to be able to have a frequency added. For example: Dressing Change BID. This needs to prompt nursing staff at the schedule times to ensure that the order is complete.
If a MAR format could be applied to order chronology it would fix so many things. Schedule Vitals / Intermittent Screenings / Dressing changes etc should all be on a grid rather than a list.
All staff log into the Thrive UX and they see their Department Folders there it would be great if they could also receive new orders alerts there as well as on the alert page on each patient record as they all open to the Alerts icon in the patient chart in Chartlink.
Also alerts when they meet criteria for Sepsis, suicide risk etc...
Nurses would also like notifications for new lab results. Currently they have to click through every lab since admission and exit before a new lab will pop up. They would also like a better notification for new orders. Like a pop up (or something similar) if a new order is entered on your patient.