PLEASE give us some way to prevent Registration from being able to add new physicians. The staff are told not to do this but we have people outside main Admitting and new employees who regularly still set up new physicians and they do not enter all the necessary information or verify the physician isn't already set up. Which leads to duplicate numbers for the same physicians and requires table clean up that shouldn't need to be done. At least give us the option if we want to allow this function or not.
Yes, I've begged for this for YEARS. We have to do constant table maintenance due to the large number of temp registrations we process outside of main admitting.
Definitely need something to stop the duplicate entries into this table and combine the referring physician table with physician table. Maybe even an option to merge the duplicate physicians that are already in the table so that it does not affect past patient accounts. In addition, a solution for clean up of facilities that have, in the past, been entered in the physician table.
It would also be beneficial if since the NPI at least at my facility, is entered and it verifies in the background that the NPI and address doesn't match one and if it does then it provides the user with the number
Also it would beneficial if the referring physician table and the physician table were combined so we don't have to maintain 2 separate tables.