This will drastically cut the amount of time required to make new accounts and decrease the chance of errors as well.
You can follow path System Admin > Rule Management. This will allow the ability to search by Rule ID. You can then see all user and role associations that are associated with that Rule.
not the same field I would like to use the Rule ID search option... when creating a new UBL, and trying to add the same rules/associate the same rules as a different user, I review that user I want to copy and see all the added rules, that come with easy to search rule IDs...I want to use the ID number to search and find the rules to associate to the new user...I won't be going to Rule management to look up the association for this process, I know what I want to associate, I want to use the Rule ID to do the actual associating...hope that makes sense.
Does not work - enter the # in search and nothing happens
" System Admin > Rule Management." is not a convenient path when building a new user it would only lengthen and complicate the process not make it easier or quicker. The place we need to be able to search by rule id is: Logins>New>Application, Behavior Controls, Screens, Reports> Associate Rule>search
the fact this doesn't exist shocked me. Why is there a rule ID# if it doesn't allow the user to search by it to find the rule? This would really decease the time it takes to set up new users how have added rules to their role.