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Dream Factory by TruBridge Ideas Portal
Status Unlikely to Implement
Categories Flowcharts
Created by Cassi Loutzenhiser
Created on Sep 14, 2023

Copy Paste functionality when creating Flowcharts

I know you are in the process of moving away from Flowcharts into some new documenation options for nursing but until that happens we are still forced to create anything new in the outdated old side of CPSI Thrive UX System Menu so is there anyway to enable Copy Paste functionality while we still have to use these for building? What I mean I have a CPSI Best Practice Flowchart from CPSI that I'm using to build a new Flowchart and it's in an excel spreadsheet so I used that one from CPSI and edited it and moved it around and added and removed lines and basically formatted my entire Flowchart I want to build within this excel spreadsheet and I thought that I could go into TUX > Print Reports > Nursing Chart Masters > chart category > Physical Assessment > user defined PA Category > and basically copy the line from excel and paste into TUX in the Question box but paste doesn't do anything so I went into Thrive Web Client and went into same area and tried it there and paste doesn't work there either so unfortunately now I have to retype ever single question and answer so that is very cumbersome so was hoping it might be easy enough to change something to allow pasting into this area of TUX or Thrive Web Client? If I could already utilize your new documentation option for nursing this wouldn't matter but I have to create a flowchart for our CNAs to document on so I have to use the old stuff.

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  • Michelle Mason
    Sep 19, 2023

    Copy and paste is available in Chart Masters in TUX. I have created many flowcharts using this option over the years. You do want to mind the max characters and be careful with any special characters, but the Text field will accept paste. Make sure you are selecting just the text in your Excel document and not the cell.