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Dream Factory by TruBridge Ideas Portal
Status Already Exists
Created on Sep 14, 2023

The ability to have an add on order option and a miscellaneous option for tests not in the system

This would flag the main lab that a test has been added from previous orders. It would also allow for entering the name of tests not in the menu to avoid confusion and missed tests.

    Dec 4, 2023

    This functionality is already available via utilizing a generic item set up in site's item master for each needed Ancillary department. The facility can then utilize Order Entry Questions / Physician ChartLink Questions to allow for the user to provide more specific information. If the test is being asked for routinely and is something their facility can perform, the facility should set up a new item to be available in the item master.

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    Oct 3, 2023

    I'm not sure I fully understand the second part of this request. You should be able to create a miscellaneous item with a comment field already if you really wanted to. We used to have them setup for all the ancillary departments before we went to specific items. If providers need to order something and it's something you do, why isn't it in the item master? If they just can't find it, you can add what they call it in the alternative names.