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Dream Factory by TruBridge Ideas Portal
Status Product Owner Review
Created by Linda Pfeifle
Created on Sep 15, 2023

PMP History not showing for a patient if they have moved to different addresses. We have noticed that if a patient has moved to a different address, the PMP history will not show the complete history. It will only show the history for the prescriptions filled at the present address that is in the system and filled at the pharmacy, but if you go to the official site to check the PMP history and don't go thru the button in Thrive, it will show the complete PMP History. There has to be a way for Thrive and Bamboo to make it a possibility to show the whole PMP history instead of just for one address.

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  • Lynn Perry
    Dec 14, 2023

    Would you please open an Interface Support situation so that we can look at a current query where this is applicable.

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