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Dream Factory by TruBridge Ideas Portal
Status In Development
Categories Demographics Panel
Created by Tracie Bastien
Created on Oct 10, 2023

Increase view resolution of new Demographic Bar in TWC, 75% resolution is too small

The new demographic pane in the TWC is still problematic. The landscape of it only allows for so much information to show at a 100% resolution on a 17" laptop screen, which is what the majority of our nurses use at our facility to document. I have attached the screenshots, the largest resolution the entire panel will show is at 75%, which makes the rest of the information on the screen too small to be functional for safe reading. The items missing at 100% include the chief complaint and attending physician, both very important pieces of info.

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  • Stephanie St. Andrie
    Nov 7, 2023

    This is being discussed internally with plans to address with an external workgroup next week. It will be addressed on a sprint in the very near future. We are looking at multiple ways to allow more space for the ID panel as well as what data holds priority as the ID panel responds to the different screen sizes and resolutions.