There needs immediate improvement to the OR management application. We are losing surgeons over this. 1 simple improvement, since the "updated schedule" is not yet ready for integration with the OR management Procedure/Preference card application is to provide a 1-click way to see today's OR Schedule instead of having to print the PDF report- either using the EWS application or the Report Dashboard. The surgeons and staff want an actionable schedule that allows them to grab account numbers or patient names to easily put orders in, view their chart, etc. even before they are checked in. They would like it to be driven by date then location. It should default to today's date. Then, set up per facility (NOT USER) default to either both locations, 1 location, or another location, and then be a sticky function based on the user. I know the updated scheduler is supposed to handle the OR management app in the future, but we need to have some improvements in OR management now.
I wish this would move up on the list of improvements. If we could get OR management out of EWS - then we could move to updated scheduling, then add patient connect, etc. It is a definite road block.