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Dream Factory by TruBridge Ideas Portal
Status Product Owner Review
Categories Vital Signs
Created by Nikki Csiki
Created on Oct 10, 2023

Need ability to show specific assessment values and trends with VS

There are myriad repetitive numerical assessments produced by nursing, but necessary to providers for appropriate medical decision-making, that are burred within flowcharts and essentially useless to providers. I would like to see scores for things like COWS, RASS, CIWA-Ar, Aldrette, GCS, etc. displayed with vs. I envision these would exist as an option but not display until selected and data added by nursing.

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  • Nikki Csiki
    Apr 29, 2024

    Looking for an update, please. Ready access to this type of information (especial the ability to see trends) is paramount; currently they are buried in nursing documentation and not easily retrievable. The current workflow options impede patient care.