It is double work for users to be answering the same questions in different areas so that it will populate a programmed field. On web client "Unknown Gender" populates even if admin gender was entered on the patient profile. CPSI states that this must come from the Social History documentation. The number of screens that nursing now has to go through to make sure the ID panel is up to date and accurate is adding in to many clicks and too much extra time into workflow.
Addendum: The field being referred to here is the Gender Identity field. Per Kelsey, she does not need admin gender in the ID Panel. She would like a hyperlink to the location to update that item with the correct information if what the patient says does not match or has not been addressed.
This issue has been addressed on the 21.06.02 release.
Maybe I overlooked this in the comments, but there is a link to that on the Clinical tab of Census. Our registrars complete it at patient intake, and it populates the ID panel.
Thank you for your reply, Kelsey, I have updated your request with an Admin Addendum to reflect the updated ask. I have changed this to Future Consideration and will take this to the team for review.
Thank you for the information on the extra places to document. I still think there should be a hyperlink for the gender identity. Should I put this in as another Dream Factory request? At our facility, our clinical staff will be asking gender identity.
The main request here is for the Admin Gender to populate to the WC ID panel from Registration, not from Social History. The Admin gender does not currently pull to the ID Panel. The Birth Sex and Gender Identity are what pulls currently. Do we need to include Admin Gender in the ID panel? Do we need a hover to tell the user that the second field is the Gender Identity and not the Admin Gender? Another comment is asking for a hyperlink to the Gender Identity field and the Code Status. For code status, clicking on the patient photo takes the use directly to the Patient Demographics--Encounter screen.
For now, Social History - Sexual can be accessed from Profile on the Clinical Info tab. These fields can also be setup as Profile edits to be addressed when creating a new visit. Social History - Sexual can also be accessed from Registration for New Visit on the Clinical tab.
I agree. At least make a hyperlink for the information on the panel. I would like to click on Unknown Gender or Code status and make the change there. If you click on weight/height value, it takes you to the vitals tab. The others should be like that also.