During Med Rec, when a patient is taking no home medications, we choose No Home Meds, our Notes templates have the filter for Home Med List, when the filter pulls it will say No Home Medications Available. When a patient truly takes no home meds, can the filter be set to pull No Home Medications rather than No Home Medications Available? It looks like we didn't do the Med Rec
Since it's very possible a provider may open a Note template before nurses have addressed Home Meds, the Home Med filter could display "Home Meds Not Addressed" as a clear indication of the Med Reconciliation status.
I totally agree with the need for this differentiation in the description seen in a Notes template. In our ER the providers often open their Note template BEFORE the nurse is done triaging the patient as they often go in and speak to the patient at the same time. This means in most cases the filter will say No Home Meds Available and they have to refresh the filter once the nurse confirms the meds. But if the patient truly has no home meds, the filter should at least update to reflect that's the case.
Thank you for the feedback @Guest - this is something our team will look at addressing!
Yes, we have providers ask why a home med list was not completed, then I have to explain to them that the filter is set up to work that way. Providers don't like to hear that. We really need the filter to reflect what is listed in the field.