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Dream Factory by TruBridge Ideas Portal
Status Product Owner Review
Created by Brianna Hoffman
Created on Oct 25, 2023

Need ability to route nurse-entered orders to pharmacy first EXCEPT ER patients route to nursing first.

We are trying to comply with Nebraska law which says:

Beginning January 1, 2017, the pharmacist in charge of a hospital pharmacy shall develop and implement policies and procedures to ensure that a pharmacist reviews all medical orders prior to the first dose being administered to a patient in the hospital. The policies and procedures may provide for either a pharmacist onsite or the use of telepharmacy to comply with this requirement. (2) This section does not apply to the following situations: (a) When the practitioner controls the ordering, dispensing, and administration of the drug, such as in the operating room, endoscopy suite, or emergency room; or (b) When time does not permit the pharmacist's review, such as (i) a stat order meaning a medical order which indicates that the medication is to be given immediately and only once or (ii) when the clinical status of the patient would be significantly compromised by the delay resulting from the pharmacist's review of the order.

The checkbox to send POC orders to pharmacy first makes our ER routing not work as we would like it to. Please consider this as it is a patient safety issue and we are not able to use the current checkbox as is.

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