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Dream Factory by TruBridge Ideas Portal
Status Product Owner Review
Categories AR | Revenue Cycle
Created by Jennifer Baumgartner
Created on Oct 26, 2023

JB Scan to Profile instead of Copy forward

The copy forward does not work effectively and would like the option to scan to profile instead. Users are also not able to delete a copy forward scan unless they go back to when it was originally scanned in which takes additional time (and clicks) to accomplish this task.

  • Attach files
  • Darah Isaacson
    Dec 21, 2023

    Scanning to profile level is a much needed feature - many records are not visit-specific (example, outside records received, pre-registration paperwork, standing orders).

  • Laura Colbert
    Nov 21, 2023

    This would also be handy for future orders. We have nowhere to put them in the patient chart since there is not a visit available, since the lab or xray is somewhere in the future. We currently have to save them all to a network drive since we cannot put them in the chart. Centriq we could put them in the chart because we could scan to the Medical Record/MPI and not have to put it on a visit.