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Dream Factory by TruBridge Ideas Portal
Status Open for Comment
Categories Notes
Created by Trish Shelton
Created on Jul 8, 2022


Providers are asking for the patients past medical history that is entered in the Health Hx flow into the Note document, similar to social history and surgical history

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  • Lori Luciano
    Jan 24, 2024

    In my dream world....I would like to see the Health History that has a great review of systems to enter in the Medical history, then this could be the profile level of a guests health history with documents that attach as reference, such as EKGs, PFT results, etc.

  • Lori Luciano
    Jan 24, 2024

    Nurses are filling in the smoking, drug, drinking history in great detail and the data cannot pull to Notes or the PDC card. This information is important especially when the guest will tell the nurse about a drug history and then deny to providers or decrease the amount. In addition, the family history is nice to enter in the Health History, but the information goes nowhere. That is the big frustration. The health History has been nicely developed, but the information does not pull to important places - Notes and PDC.

  • Stephanie St. Andrie
    Jan 24, 2024

    Changed to Open to Comment. Since Medical History in the Health History application is currently the Problem List (Diagnosis List), I think that is the confusion as to why this was considered an Already Exists. What is the expectation for a Past Medical History filter? What information from the Health History application is to be included? What other information that is not available in Health History needs to be considered? Is this a comprehensive list of all information within the Health History application?

    2 replies
  • Guest
    Dec 13, 2023

    It does not exist. Past medical history and problem list are two separate things...

  • Lori Luciano
    Oct 10, 2022

    This may already exist but all doesn't pull to Notes or PDC

  • Nikki Csiki
    Sep 19, 2022

    It does not exist. Problem List and Medical History are not necessarily synonymous, particularly since the separate location of the Problem List (doesn't pull from a Note into the app) makes provider compliance poor.