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Dream Factory by TruBridge Ideas Portal
Status Product Owner Review
Created by Tabitha Stanfast
Created on Oct 31, 2023

Add another status when confirming home medications

Please add another button/option called "Unable to confirm home medications" that require a reason to be entered (i.e., "med bottles not available", "Pharmacy closed", "Unknown dosage").

We have EDIS, when the patient isn't able to confirm a dose of a medication we have to confirm the potentially incorrect dose so that the medication shows up in the provider Notes and D/C Instructions. If we choose "unable to verify meds" - those meds are not listed anywhere (Notes or D/C Instructions). In addition, modify the filter for home medications in Notes to allow the facility to include unconfirmed home meds, or not to include those medications. Adding the third option would help when a patient is admitted, they would not be admitted with incorrect home medications (the visit # follows the patient). I would want to be able to report how many times the "Unable to confirm home medications" button was used.

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