A longstanding issue with information management has been that from the Clinical History app, the date of a scanned item reflects the date the item was scanned, not the date of occurrence that was manually entered during scanning. This is a significant issue, for example, cultures or pathology may be sent out and the results need to reflect the date they were obtained, not a date many weeks later when results were scanned in. This is the same idea for POA/POLST/ and other important documents.
We have discussed this internally. Plan would be to have the Occurrence date and alternate description entered during the scanning process pull to the corresponding columns in Clinical History. We were thinking we could add the scanned date as a hover on the Date field.
I agree with Lori's comments. All outside records need to show the date of service not, the date they were added to the system in clinical history. Communication Center should have the same functionality and allow the date to be changed to the correct date of service.
I would love to discuss this with the Product owner. Especially if you have any questions
We just had a discussion about this at my EHR Committee meeting. With Communication Center, There is not the ability to enter in the date of document.
Now Providers are upset that they cannot tell the dates of EKGs and other documents entered via Communication Center. Then the providers discovered that in Clinical history, they cannot see the date of the previously entered EKGs in that Clinical History Versus Reports and Attachments. They asked me WHY WOULD I WANT TO SEE THE SCANNED DATE? The providers reacted with NOW I HAVE TO DO TO 2 LOCATIONS! Meaning reports & attachments where they can see the previous EKGs with dates of document and the C/H for the newly added EKGs and etc. This need to be resolved soon.
I think both dates need to be there, so we can see what date it is for and what date it was scanned in. Sometimes you need to see why something was scanned in at a later date for example, why it took so long in some instances.