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Dream Factory by TruBridge Ideas Portal
Status In Development
Categories Order Management
Created by Cheryl Hinman
Created on Nov 9, 2023
Merged idea
This idea has been merged into another idea. To comment or vote on this idea, please visit DFE-I-932 Worklist for Nursing Staff.

Nursing Order launches to documentation Merged

We would like to be able have a nursing order with a frequency that when it is verified or performed we could attach the appropriate form/flowsheet for documentation. Example: Vital Signs q4h, would launch to the Vitals area and we would also like them to be able to document IV Assessment and SIRS assessment (which we would build)

  • Stephanie St. Andrie
    Dec 5, 2023

    We are working on a Task List for the 21.07 release. The first step in the process has been working on the nursing orders, adding frequencies, having them update the appropriate places in the system, etc. You input and use cases are most helpful. Please keep them coming.