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Dream Factory by TruBridge Ideas Portal
Categories AHT
Created by Guest
Created on Nov 15, 2023

More System Administrator options

More options for systems administrators,
Eg. An API that we can use to create accounts using scripts integrated into on boarding systems.
Auditing logs of who makes accounts or edits accounts
Bulk add of accounts (upload from a csv for example that utilizes templates)
Better UI for account creations. LTC layout was alot more streamlined than the newer AHT UI
Better search features and more than 20 per page actually working
Ability to disable all accounts not active for more than 20 days
Ability to pull reports of what accounts are active at the buildings and the roles they have

API's would be great for all this so we could basically do what ever our own skillsets and the skillsets of the community can come up with.

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