This is a patient safety issue.
Currently, in both Thrive UX and TWC users can have more than one armband scanned at the same time. That is, theoretically a nurse could have chart tabs open for all of their patients, have the armband scanned on each, and then go on with their med pass. This negates the safety function built into armband scanning. In a safe system, if one patient's armband was already scanned, scanning a 2nd would kick out the "scanned" status of the first.
While no one endorses the workflow of scanning all patient armbands before beginning a med pass, the fact that it is even possible is a problem.
Further, I can easily think of a scenario where this could become an issue even if the nurse wasn't using a "questionable" workflow: nurse is in patient A's room preparing meds, gets interrupted for a urgent need in another room, runs out to take care of that patient, scan's patient B's armband to give a med and then goes back to patient A's room but gets distracted along the way and does not change the chart tab back to patient A. Needing to rescan the armband is a critical safety measure that is needed in this case to ensure that the meds are given to the right patient.
The armband time out feature is helpful in preventing some errors that the ability to have multiple armbands scanned at the same time can cause, but is insufficient as the above scenario could happen pretty quickly. It is difficult to find a time short enough to prevent this but still gives the nurse enough time to complete a med pass on a single patient who has a lot of meds.
Ideally, scanning a new armband would kick out the "scanned" status of any other armband. Enabling facilities to limit the number of chart tabs that a user can have open at any given time would also be acceptable. Preferably this would be set by role, not by facility.