Currently, using compounded medications with Thrive has associated several safety concerns.
Barcode scanning can only be associated with one medication. For compounded medications that have > 1 medication, clinical monitoring cannot be done.
the x "Creating Non IV Compound Pharmacy items" recommendation that we "Enter 99999-9999-99. No clinical monitoring will be received however with this NDC. • Enter the NDC number of the ingredient most likely to cause an allergic reaction" is completely inadequate.
For compounded medications that involve only one medication, concentration and dosage form cannot be verified from scanning
Because patient medication leaflets are tied to the NDC, incorrect or incomplete leaflets are generated for compounded medications that have > 1 med
Because medication reconciliation is tied to the NDC, incomplete or incorrect information pulls during the med rec process.
Recommendation: the NDC needs to be included in barcode scanning so that clinical monitoring can be done, but it cannot be the only option. There needs to be additional setup so that multiple NDCs can be associated with the same barcode, for meds like a GI cocktail where there are multiple ingredients. There also needs to be additional setup so that a non-NDC barcode number can be generated for scanning that is tied to the NDC for clinical monitoring. We need to be able to adjust the dosage form and concentration for these meds so that two meds that have the same "parent" med do not come across as the same med during scanning.