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Dream Factory by TruBridge Ideas Portal
Status More Information Needed
Created by Sarah Blazier
Created on Dec 5, 2023

Medical Necessity

It would be beneficial to have access to Medical Necessity within TWC patient screens (within the order chronology or reports and attachements). Also, a report to review if Medical Necessity was needed/completed available in report dashboard.

  • Attach files
  • Kiley McNemar
    Apr 16, 2024

    medical necessity needs to be more accessible to the nurses in their list to the left. But medical records has this function. Also medical records does not have scanned document in their list but nurses have this option. Both roles should have these functions. Also medical records can not see scanned documents.

  • Sarah Blazier
    Dec 27, 2023

    Currently the only way to find if Medical Necessity is performed is to go to the ancillary screens and select Medical Necessity OR Medical Records and then Medical Necessity/ABN. If it were in Order Chronology when looking at order details - the user would not have to leave TWC screens to find if Med Nec checks had been performed.

    When using the pathways listed above, it seems to launch to an application within the patient chart - but only if accessed via System menu. Screenshot attached.

    Running a report for audit purposes would be helpful to have at a minimum what is listed on the Med Nec Screens:

    Date/time - ubl - Printed (Y/N) - Signed (Y/N)

    But other elements to include in a report to be able to delimit and audit would be

    Payer, CPT (procedure), and diagnosis used

    Also the Med Nec Status (ex: medically necessary, not medically necessary, no local coverage, etc.)

  • Jenny Crumpler
    Dec 15, 2023

    @Guest Thank you for the feedback. Could you provide what specific information you would like to see available regarding Medical Necessity within the chart? Additionally, what information do you feel would be needed for a Medical Necessity Report? Thank you!