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Dream Factory by TruBridge Ideas Portal
Created by Tracie Bastien
Created on Dec 7, 2023

Emergency Contact entry in TWC needs improvement and clarification, current design allows for duplicate patient profiles to be created.

our nurses are struggling with the non-user friendly Notify in Emergency workflow in TWC. Please see attachment. They are entering it wrong and it is causing numerus duplicate patient profiles. Pathway for issue: TWC > Patient Chart > Demographics > Personal > Notify in Emergency > magnifying glass > the search field states PATIENT NAME- this is where it all goes wrong. The nurses enter the current admitted patient's name and then get all turned around and confused, ending up putting the patient as the emergency contact, yet assigning the correct relationships and phone number for the
actual emergency contact. This causes multiple duplicate patient profile entries for us. DUPLICATE PATIENT PROFILES IS A SAFETY CONCERN as pointed out by the SAFER Guides Clinical Patient Identification Assessment. Could the search field just be titled "Emergency contact name" that way, the nurse will put in the contact's name, the system can still search the database to see if the emergency contact was ever a patient, and if not, the nurse could add their profile, or better yet- don't involve the patient profile list AT ALL. Please see attachment for further explanation

  • Attach files
  • Sara Kress
    Feb 6, 2024

    Yes, this needs a different solution for sure. In this scenario, the easiest fix is changing the name when you are looking them up. Also, when going to a profile(not when adding as a contact), it would state at the top 'Patient' 'Emergency Contact' 'Guarantor'. There are times when all 3 may display. But if they have missing info like an address on the profile, we can see that it is only in our system as an Emergency Contact. I don't hate the idea of changing it to free text and typing the patient name and phone number. It would be much easier for staff to update it. We also have scenarios: a coworker in town and their daughter who lives out of town. So they have 2 contacts, but we have no place to chart that. I have never changed my emergency contact to my spouse because we do not live in the town that I work in. So it is very doubtful my spouse would ever have a visit here. I think it is absolutely ridiculous to create a profile just to have my spouse's name and phone number listed.