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Dream Factory by TruBridge Ideas Portal
Categories AR | Revenue Cycle
Created by Cam Pearl
Created on Dec 15, 2023

Optimize Thrive ATB for account follow-up and Global efficiency

Problem Identification: Current ATBs available in Thrive lack age buckets for account assignment and review for all 30 day buckets up to day 365 from Discharge or DOS. In addition they lack last Insurance payment amount and date and other essential information available in Thrive to prioritize follow up on aged AR. Most importantly ATBs do not have the last date that an account was worked and noted by a rep.

All of these needs can be met currently by running multiple AdHoc reports, importing the results to Excel, writing Nested IF formulas for buckets, writing VLOOKUP formulas to extract the Last Note date and the first line of the note. This takes Intermediate and Advanced knowledge of of AdHoc Reports in Thrive and about thirty minutes of work.

Solution: We must have a report that alerts us to accounts not worked in 30 days. Write a Thrive ATB report that exports to Excel and has the following Thrive Fields for Pt. Master Data:

  1. Account Number

  2. Pt Name

  3. Admit Date

  4. Disch Date

  5. Age

  6. Age Bucket. 30 Day Buckets from 0 - 30 to 333 - 365, 365 - 600 and 600+

  7. Original FC

  8. Current FC. All FC to include P and all Self Pay

  9. Current FC Description

  10. FC Grouping by Major Payer

  11. Service

  12. Pt Type

  13. Total Chrgs

  14. Current Bal

  15. Last Ins Pmt Date

  16. Last Ins Pmt Amount

  17. Total Amount of Ins Pmts

  18. Total Adjustments

  19. Total receipts

  20. Accident Date

  21. Accident Event

  22. Last Note Date by Rep (Not System)

  23. First line of Last Note by Rep

Patient Selection should include all patients in the current AR with a Credit or Debit Balance.

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