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Dream Factory by TruBridge Ideas Portal
Status Product Owner Review
Categories HIM
Created by Pam Rowley
Created on Dec 18, 2023

Stop auto-populating finish date when addressed problems are in diagnosis list - when coder accesses MP-EMR / grouper

Currently, on a clinic account, if the provider has "addressed" problems during that visit, the ICD10 codes are populated in the diagnosis list in MP-EMR - Charging/Coding. Then as a result, when the coder accesses "edit diagnosis" (grouper), the system auto-populates the finish date. If at that time the account is not ready to be coded/finished, the coder must remember to remove the finish date, otherwise a claim will be generated on an account that the coder was not finished with.

It would be very helpful if you would fix this so that the finish date does not auto-populate! The coder should have control over applying that finish date.

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  • Nikki Hunter
    Apr 25, 2024

    We don't have to click edit diagnosis for the finish date to auto populate. We have found now that all we have to do is click into Transaction Entry for the finish date to populate. The finish date should only populate when the coder is ready for it to go to billing.