The Thrive pharmacy system menu order entry allows the pharmacist to ‘override’ an ‘hours between doses’ frequency by changing from a standard time to a non-standard time. When placing a time in the non-standard time field, it removes the ‘hours between doses’ time and causes the medication to show on the MAR DAILY even though it was ordered with an ‘hours between doses’ frequency such as Q72 hr.
The system should not allow the pharmacy user to change the time in the non-standard times field when an ‘hours between doses’ frequency is ordered. If a frequency such as Q72 hr is chosen, only the fields such as 1st Dose Date/Time and Start Date/Time should be able to be modified. The other fields should be greyed out so the ‘hours between doses’ field is not altered and the frequency overridden.
The way the verification is now allows for potential harm to the patient due to the possibility of a medication error.