SAFER Assessment Test Results Reporting and Follow-up 2.11 recommends that results notifications are limited to those that are clinically relevant to minimize "alert fatigue" The way the current abnormal lab results folder is designed create alert fatigue.
We would like to recommend a task for Critical Lab Results as defined by lab setup so there can be a HS folder for the most critical of patient results to bring them to the forefront for the provider.
To reduce the abnormal lab results folder, we would like to be able to set which tests and test components we want to alert to the abnormal lab results folder if abnormal. For example in a CBC it might only be the WBC, Hgb, Hct, Platelets that a provider wants to see abnormals on and not the other components. Then if a patient meets the criteria, all results for this patient in a comparative lab format should be in the folder for the provider to view, not just individual test results. At least as a setup option.