At one time the ordering provider was rolled out in HS Folder setup as either a subscription or task type but it was not designed well. Doing the SAFER assessment I went to review it's functionality and no longer see it as an option. That being, I would like to provider feedback on the need for this and how it could work:
Set up as a Subscription Type - drawing from CPOE ordering provider
Allow use in all the lab folder setups AND in the Radiology folder. Not just one big folder for all ordering provider results and not just for lab results but also abnormal lab task type and summarized lab reults task type. Radiology task type transcription.
Today, If Dr. Susan orders a test and registration enters the attending physician as someone else then Dr. Susan never gets the test results in her HS folder. Resulting should not be dependent on registration. With electronic resulting, anything the lab does to route the results also has no bearing on results reporting under the current design.
With setting up an ordering physician subscription, we would also want to be able to release future orders for multiple physicians on the same account number. This would prevent billing from having to combine accounts on the back end. This is secondary and should not hold up design of the ordering provider subscription type.
Yes, if home screen folder were based off of Order Provider it would be helpful. Possibly updating lab (and radiology) order entry screens also. If lab were to easily make sure our physician ordered lab 1, 2, 3. And then outside provider ordered 2, 4, 5, 6, 7. Our provider via home screen and outside provider via fax would see result 2. Then our physician would also see 1 and 3 via home screen, but not question why they were seeing results 4, 5, 6, 7 because they did not order them. Also outside provider via fax would not see results for 1 and 3. It is currently very confusing for registration and ancillary to know who/where/when/why to add who all. It shouldn't be so complicated. And providers should be able to receive only what they ordered.