We would like to see the ability document the patient's care team at a profile level. Who their orthopedist, dentist, eye dr, endocrinologist, etc is. The ability to add and remove providers as the patient changes providers. When a provider is added, we would like to be able to select the provider and see their contact information - phone #, fax # and address for quick contact with the provider during an encounter. Potentially these care team providers could populate the PEN providers for required visit types. Today we use a variety of processes to track this and none of them are totally successful. It is very frustrating to providers to try and find the name/contact info for a providers specialist involved in their care.
Would also be nice if the providers aren't managed in a physician table that has be manually updated by our facility. This information should use the NPI registry. If the physician table isn't updated right away then auto distribution doesn't work properly. Also any chance to automate a process eliminates user error to some degree and makes the workflow process more efficient by making the EHR functionality work for the customer and not vise versa.