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Dream Factory by TruBridge Ideas Portal
Categories Technical
Created by Mark Boomhower
Created on Jan 9, 2024


TTY's have always been a pain point in CPSI. Issues with TTY's are compounded when facilities use VDI applications like Horizons VM Ware since users are assigned sessions randomly from a pool every time they log in and it's like logging into a new device. Because of this, they also need to install ThriveHelper with each new session. In the process of going through the steps so System menu can be utilized, users are asked for their Terminal ID. The only way they can find it is if they're savvy enough to open TUX and go to System Menu> Thrive UX > Options > Misc > Terminal ID.

To avoid going through this "ritual" every time they log into TWC, it makes more sense for the TTY to be assigned on the user login profile (UBL). If it's assigned to the log in, then the TTY should automatically load in the user account settings in TWC. We can assign CS numbers on user login profiles, we should have the option to assign TTY's the same way.

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  • Justin Rohrbaugh
    Feb 23, 2024

    I agree something needs to be done. I was under the impression that thrivehelper would pull the TTY automatically but I've had a ton of phone calls from users getting the popup asking them for a terminal ID.

  • Matthew Vinton
    Feb 20, 2024


    Our workaround is to have the machine name of each thin client end with an appropriate 3 digit number. Then when a user signs on a script will pill the last 3 numbers from the machine name and populate their tty.

    Additionally we had to install the ThriveHelper on our golden image with each update to save all of our users from the repeated prompts to install ThriveHelper.

    It's been quite a bit of trial and error just to get to this point...and I find it to be very unprofessional when CPSI employees call my boss to help out another facility to work out these scripts. We're not even getting any kickbacks or discounts for supporting their customers. :(

  • Lori Luciano
    Jan 17, 2024

    TTY's need to go away.