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Created by Jeanette Adams
Created on Jan 15, 2024

Sexual Orientation should be able to put "not answered"

When reviewing Social History/Sexual History, If I choose any answer in that section, such as Gender Identity (Required by CMS), then I am unable to save that answer without addressing the Sexual Orientation question (I can't leave it "Not Answered.") I can select Chooses not to Disclose, but it is not an required question and so I should be able to choose "Not Answered" to the Sexual Orientation and answer the Gender Identity question and save that. Please change the functionality back to being able to save "Not Answered"

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  • Michelle Mason
    Jan 23, 2024

    This was corrected in 21.06.03... Unable to Save Information in Social History - Sexual

    Issue: The "Save" button in Social History - Sexual is not enabling when an answer is selected or changed for all questions except Sexual Orientation.

    Resolution: The "Save" button will now be enabled appropriately when any question is answered or an existing answer is changed. Also, while resolving this issue, two other issues with the Sexual Orientation Effective Date were identified and resolved:

    1. The Sexual Orientation Effective Date will no longer highlight in red after a date has been cleared and re-entered. This has been resolved on both the Social History - All and Social History - Sexual sections.

    2. The Save button will now disable appropriately when the Sexual Orientation Effective Date is cleared.

  • Jeanette Adams
    Jan 18, 2024

    I am in Health History - Socail History Sexual History

    But if If you leave the Sexual Orientation question as Not Answered, but then answer the Gender Identity Question (as required by CMS) or any other question in that section, it won't let you save it unless you address Sexual Orientation. You can choose "Chooses Not to Disclose" and then the Save button will be available, but "Not answered" should be available as well.

  • Michelle Mason
    Jan 17, 2024

    Can you clarify where you are charting this? The Health History - Social History Sexual History Edit screen allows for Not Answered.