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Dream Factory by TruBridge Ideas Portal
Status More Information Needed
Created by Mamie Baker
Created on Jan 22, 2024

Discharge Medication List does NOT need to populate to new visit

Make the functionality that patients' discharge medication list pre-populate to the new patient visit home medication list in the Medication Reconciliation Application be something that can be turned on/off at individual facility's discretion.

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  • Mamie Baker
    Jan 23, 2024

    I put a situation in, that situation number is 9926095 and that may help you understand what I am asking for better. But basically as it stands now, when a patient is discharged, whatever medications they are discharged with, when they come in that discharge medication list shows up as unconfirmed home medications in the medication reconciliation application. We have found despite repeated education, we still have nurses that will just confirm them as correct and this raises a big patient safety issue.