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Dream Factory by TruBridge Ideas Portal
Status Open for Comment
Created by Guest
Created on Jan 24, 2024

Tracking Board Notification Customization

We need the ability to choose/control the notifications on the tracking board. I see several dream ideas on what different people would like on it such as RT notifications. The current lab notifications is too cumbersome and causing notification fatigue for staff. We would like that removed.

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  • Michelle Mason
    Feb 1, 2024

    During the design process for the Notifications column, we spoke with customers who said that the top two things nurses need to know is that they have new orders and that they have new results. Acknowledging the results clears the notification to make it meaningful if it returns with new results.

    I acknowledge that your Idea is to allow choice in what appears in the column and will open this Idea for more comments.

  • Guest
    Feb 1, 2024

    I am aware and it does help. However, physically acknowledging labs results is not a requirement for nursing. I can understand a notification for critical values, which requires documentation by nursing. It's kind of like alarm fatigue, they have acknowledgment fatigue and most are resorting to not using the tracking board at all, which is frustrating.

  • Michelle Mason
    Feb 1, 2024

    Are you aware of the update allowing staff to Acknowledge all lab results from the Laboratory Results application? This update greatly improves the workflow and reduces the fatigue related to reviewing new results.