I have been asked several times about providing a report that shows that medication reassessment is being completed. I can track this if they are using the flowchart for reassessment(albeit very cumbersome). It would be great if there was a report using the Medication Reassessment within the MAR.
Would like a report that shows all administrations of medications with “Use Medication Reassessment” selected.
Would like to see:
Date/time/initials of administration
Date/time/initials of reassessment
Display blank if no reassessment
Would like the ability to exclude medications with reassessment to only show those without.
Would like to output to all available formats.
Are there any other parameters you would like to see like stay type or by a specific patient?
Adding in the time between administration and the reassessment to be auto calculated in the report.
Has there been any movement on this report request? The answers are being placed in discreet date fields and not sure why a report cannot be ran? Yes, would like to see all items recommended above.
@ Michelle Mason - who is the product owner of this report so we can work with them direct on how to pull information out of the system vs a manual review of the data entry? Thank you!
Any updates on a compliance report for medication reassessment?
Would like a report that shows all administrations of medications with “Use Medication Reassessment” selected.
Would like to see:
Date/time/initials of administration--yes
Date/time/initials of reassessment--yes
Display blank if no reassessment--yes
Would like the ability to exclude medications with reassessment to only show those without.--yes
Would like to output to all available formats.--yes
Are there any other parameters you would like to see like stay type or by a specific patient?--Stay type, patient specific, department/room number, date range.
Would like a report that shows all administrations of medications with “Use Medication Reassessment” selected.
Would like to see:
Date/time/initials of administration - yes
Date/time/initials of reassessment - yes
Display blank if no reassessment - yes
Would like the ability to exclude medications with reassessment to only show those without. Yes
Would like to output to all available formats. Yes
Are there any other parameters you would like to see like stay type or by a specific patient? - Specific patient
The report wrapped up in the format that shows under the MAR would be the easiest because it provides all the data requested but it requires the chart to be opened and manually tracked.
Since this is a Joint Commission requirement for pain medication reassessment, we need to have a report to pull for compliance and non-compliance to show the staff where we are lacking.
Would like a report that shows all administrations of medications with “Use Medication Reassessment” selected.
Would like to see:
Date/time/initials of administration----YES
Date/time/initials of reassessment----YES
Display blank if no reassessment----YES
Would like the ability to exclude medications with reassessment to only show those without.--- I would need a numerator and denominator so I would always want to see both and can sort within a spreadsheet if needed.
Would like to output to all available formats.----I like spreadsheet so I can sort
Are there any other parameters you would like to see like stay type or by a specific patient?----Need to be able to filter Service code as OP will encompass OBS and all other outpatients if you only use service type. We would be looking at ED, Swing Bed, OBS, IMCU, IH, IR, IS, and IP at our facility.
Need to run report by discharge date.
Need the type of medication in the report just as reference to see if there was a trend on a specific medication.
Web Client has an icon in the notification column that indicates a medication assessment is due. Double click the icon and it lists the medication that currently needs addressing and past ones that were not addressed. It would be nice to have a report.
The admin response items in bullet points would be great pieces of data to have in the report. Agreed all formats and export but better yet would be the data to pull to the BI dashboard. I could see how some would like stay type but definitely by specific pt as to pinpoint an investigation if indicated.
Michelle - who is the owner of this request and how can we bring a group together to further the discussion?
It would be great if the reassessment transferred into the flowchart directly from the MAR. For example, if you are reassessing a pain medication, it would be nice to be able to put the full pain reassessment from the flowchart right when you perform your reassessment in the MAR. Then that data would transfer to the flowchart to reduce double charting.
How can we bring this to a group of data writers for discussion and movement?
We are asking staff to use the system and watch for the orange alert on the MAR and then they perform the documentation in the system as expected. It would be quite helpful to pull this data entry into a report and monitor compliance. Thank you.