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Dream Factory by TruBridge Ideas Portal
Categories AR | Revenue Cycle
Created by Danielle Zirlott
Created on Jan 30, 2024

Add timely filing limit to insurance company table

I want a field added to the insurance company table for the payer's timely filing limit. This should be a 3 digit numerical field that represents days. There should be 3 fields because each payer can have up to 3 timely filing limits - Days after discharge to file the initial claim, days past primary EOB to file the secondary claim, and days to file an appeal after an EOB is received. These fields should also be added as columns to the billed but unpaid and ATB reports. This will allow users to sort ATB and billed claims by timely filing limit, hopefully reducing timely filing denials. We could also look at adding a new timely filing report to the report dashboard that shows accounts at-risk of exceeding the timely filing limit.

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  • Cam Pearl
    Feb 1, 2024

    This idea:

    1. Saves man hours for Directors, Managers and CFOs who run ATBs and use Excel in an attempt to find accounts before they go timely. That's tough when initial submission is not the only TFL that we face. This idea addresses that.

    2. Prevents lost revenue from claims denied for Timely Filing. This number is in the millions annually.

  • Amy Judice
    Jan 30, 2024

    This would be GREAT for true revenue cycle management.