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Dream Factory by TruBridge Ideas Portal
Categories Ancillary
Created by Paul Hendrix
Created on Feb 19, 2024

Ad Hoc Audits, Locks, and Trash

On multiple occasions, saved ad hoc reports have been accidentally deleted. I think the following changes would help us mitigate this in the future:

  1. An audit report that shows who adds/removes/changes saved ad hoc reports.

  2. The ability for a saved ad hoc report to be "locked" or require permission from its creator or an administrator before any changes can be made.

  3. Any saved ad hoc report that is deleted should be moved to a "trash" section where, after 30 days, it will be permanently deleted.

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  • Pam Steele
    Aug 29, 2024

    If we add an audit feature it would also be helpful if we could see the last time someone used that saved search. I have some in my system that have been there for many years but am afraid to delete because I'm not sure who might still be using it. I made the mistake of deleting some of those once and made some very unhappy people.