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Categories Notes
Created by Amie Terry
Created on Feb 19, 2024

Need a larger workable area in Notes on a laptop.

In Notes, when using a laptop, you have about a 2-inch scrollable section to complete your note. I have a provider who works exclusively on a laptop and there's no way to enlarge the workable area. Between browser tabs, search bar, thrive bar, ID panel, notes panel, and then the note options, you only have about a 1/4 of your screen left. If there was a way to collapse the ID panel and/or the Notes panel (any of it), that may help as expanding the create note panel and adjusting screen resolution, does nothing.

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  • Brittany Salazar
    May 1, 2024

    also be able to use apple devices with a google chrome browsers

  • Angela Plummer
    Apr 10, 2024

    YES!!!!! Notes is NOT laptop friendly at ALL!!! Our users, some providers and our entire Rehab department all document exclusively in Notes, only using laptops. Several times a week I question myself on why I would ever push to move anyone to Notes after the phone calls, emails, messages & tickets with complaints and some have been using Notes for 2 years now. I say the same thing, close this, expand this, close that, minimize this, scroll this scroll bar, no that's the wrong scroll bar the scroll bar below that....... get the drift? Notes is not laptop friendly.