When a patient has a long first or last name it doesn't fall corrected on facesheets, labels, reports, etc but when patients have a space in their last name (2 "words" or more) it doesn't fall right on the claims, state data, statics etc
We need to be able to have the name correct for record requests and for everything really. We can't put the name in partially and have it correct. We need 22 characters currently for a patient and only have 20 for the last name. We are documenting, but we don't have enough characters on the pop-up note line in registration to document accurately either. I can't believe this is not fixed yet.
Our Reg has always used a "%" for hyphenated last names. They say its for billing purposes...not sure whether that is a CPSI rec or what. Example Betty Smith-Robertson.... the last name would be SMITH%ROBERTSON in the reg screen.
We need to be able to have the name correct for record requests and for everything really. We can't put the name in partially and have it correct. We need 22 characters currently for a patient and only have 20 for the last name. We are documenting, but we don't have enough characters on the pop-up note line in registration to document accurately either. I can't believe this is not fixed yet.
Long addresses need this fix as well! Great idea.
Would also be nice to have a section for what name the patient prefers to be called.
Our Reg has always used a "%" for hyphenated last names. They say its for billing purposes...not sure whether that is a CPSI rec or what. Example Betty Smith-Robertson.... the last name would be SMITH%ROBERTSON in the reg screen.