When a patient has a long first or last name it doesn't fall corrected on facesheets, labels, reports, etc but when patients have a space in their last name (2 "words" or more) it doesn't fall right on the claims, state data, statics etc
Our Reg has always used a "%" for hyphenated last names. They say its for billing purposes...not sure whether that is a CPSI rec or what. Example Betty Smith-Robertson.... the last name would be SMITH%ROBERTSON in the reg screen.
Long addresses need this fix as well! Great idea.
Would also be nice to have a section for what name the patient prefers to be called.
Our Reg has always used a "%" for hyphenated last names. They say its for billing purposes...not sure whether that is a CPSI rec or what. Example Betty Smith-Robertson.... the last name would be SMITH%ROBERTSON in the reg screen.