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Dream Factory by TruBridge Ideas Portal
Categories Thrive Web Client
Created by Angela Plummer
Created on Feb 23, 2024

Opening and Closing the Navigation Panel

We can no longer open and close the navigation panel with E at the top left, instead we have to use the < at the bottom left. For those working on laptops, which is the majority of our staff, the icons are too small to identify so they are are scrolling over them looking for what they need. The E at the top is in the workflow, the < at the bottom is the workflow for nothing.

Also, for the laptop users, especially for when using Notes, could the Navigation panel be made to where we can adjust the size when left open.

  • Attach files
  • Kelsey Drouhard
    Mar 1, 2024

    Even better would be to just defaults it open in the first place. We want words, not pictures