There are certain tests that cannot be billed together. For instance the Urine Dipstick 81003 and the Urine Microscopic 81015. Many labs use the order UA Reflex where the Urine Dipstick is performed and if certain results have certain values a Urine Microscopic is added to the test. However, it is still showing as CPT code 81003 and 81015, where as it should be reported as 81001. This basic standard and there should be the ability for CPSI to create rules in the Background to resolve these issues, other EHRs have them.
Currently our billing department has to recognize these issues and manually change them, it seems ridiculous and also can cause the Laboratory to lose revenue from claims because the coding is incorrect.
We have a question, it says Micro- yes or no- that triggers to order the full urinalysis, vs the Macro only. There is a way to do it.