When Electronic Signature was located in ThriveUX, non-provider roles had the ability to access Key Maintenance to reset their passphrase, if needed. When Esign moved to Web Client in order to remove the IE dependency, the Esign folder was moved to Tasks and is only accessible by a provider login. TIF-1821 has been written internally, but would like to get this issue some exposure to determine the wide range need for this functionality to be restored.
Use Case: In the ED, LPNs send their signed documentation to the RNs for co- signing.
I do think it would be nice to surface back out where it isn't buried under the tasks E-sign folder.
@Guest Thank you for that information. I apologize for the lack of communication on our part. Would you mind voting on this so we can elevate this issue as much as possible? It will help us quantify the impact this loss in functionality is having on our users. Thank you again.
our facility recently went through a huge process to get all the Nurses and CNAs passphrase so that they could sign their hourly rounding notes. It took weeks to get the process figured out with support, so this has not been communicated internally or with clients well at all