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Dressing Changes and Accuchecks need to populate on Med Rec when treated as a medication on the MAR

We treat all Dressing Changes and Accuchecks like a medication and have them on our MAR. This is a workflow that has been in place when we were on paper, while on Healthland Classic, and Healthland Centriq. We continue to have these on our MAR in TruBridge/Thrive but they will not show up on the Med Rec at the time of discharge. We assigned them an NDC so that the Thrive system would treat them like all medications, but they will not show up on our Med Rec at discharge and the nurses are having to literally write them in by hand. This is a continuity of care issue that can be easily missed for patients that are going home or to another facility. We are aware that these are not actual drugs, but since we have assigned an NDC to each of them, we want the ability for these items to act like actual drugs and follow the same process that other drugs follow. This seems an easy path since the process worked in Classic and Centriq. Can Thrive/Trubridge make this happen? Many thanks for the consideration.

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    • Admin
      Michelle Mason
      Mar 25, 2024

      If a matching NDC is added to Page 1 of Pharmacy Information, the dressing will pull forward into Medication Reconciliation and may be continued upon Discharge. I was able to confirm this using Tegaderm as an example. Can you share more information on what NDC you are using?