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Dream Factory by TruBridge Ideas Portal
Status Product Owner Review
Created by Kenneth Langworthy
Created on Mar 28, 2024

Tracking Board filter selection same as Whiteboard filter Selection

Reference Support Situation 9983968.


Custom filters can be created for both Whiteboards and Tracking Boards. These are very helpful in taking a listed patient population and drilling down to get a shorter list based on user defined criteria.


We need the ability to have selectable radio buttons on the Tracking Boards like we currently have on the Whiteboard. EX: Create a custom filter and name it. We can have it present on the patient ribbon to the right of the default buttons. Select it. Select it with others. And have those patients display. On the tracking board, we can set up multiple filters HOWEVER we have to use the 'meets any of these' criteria to have the patients display. Which gives us a total list of of all patients that meet all custom filter criteria. We only want one of the multiple criteria.

Use Case:

I have a tracking board created for my nursing dept. This dept has all the rooms. In these rooms are in patients, observation patients, and skilled patients. I only want to see the skilled patients on the tracking board. I cannot do this easily. Currently I have to display all the accounts in these rooms and sort by stay type description. If we had the ability to create filters for the tracking board and radio buttons, we could get a WAY more accurate drill down of the patient population we want to see.


Observation patients are stay type 2 service code F and in a room.
IV therapy patients are stay type 2 service code I and in a room.
Build tracking board filters for both.
Have the filters present as selectable radio buttons on the ribbon.
If I ONLY want to see IV therapy visits in a room - select that radio button.
If I want to see BOTH IV therapy and Observation - select both radio buttons.

This function is already available on the Whiteboard.

Please extend existing functionality to the Tracking Board.

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