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Dream Factory by TruBridge Ideas Portal

HIM Coding List Enhancements

We are very excited about this new feature and have some suggestions to improve our experience using it:

We verbally shared this and then via email to Monica McCaskey in January.

Listed below are some changes that we see at this time that would be helpful to the end user workflow.

  1. A go/start button so that filters can be set and then the system searches to load the accounts rather than loading all accounts immediately. To get around this now we created a Search filter that looks for a stay type we don't use and auto checked it so nothing loads until we set our filters and uncheck the dummy search filter. Once this is added then please make the filters sticky.

  2. We have coders that work in both facilities during the day. A Drop-down box to change between facilities (0001 sparta community hospital and 0004 quality healthcare) would help facilitate changing facilities quicker. It is not convenient to log out of one facility and then have to log in to the other.

  3. Have a drop-down box like coding status to be able to filter and choose multiple providers or service codes - similar to how Patient Connect works to multi-select providers, etc.

  4. Refresh button to refresh screen to update list. Have an account auto fall off the list when it coding is complete.

  5. For easier access to the coding status button have the status button moved.

    1. Ability to change status of chart while in HIM coding list screen.

    2. add the coding status change button to submenu ribbon on the coding patient summary tab to the right of Edit or Charged CPT.

  6. We have created numerous Visit filters and they need to wrap to a second line rather than vertically wrap.

  7. add ability to change chart location from within the coding list vs having to go to medical records.

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