Change the STAT order function so that it automatically makes the 1st dose STAT and then schedules the next dose for the next appropriate administration time based on frequency. This issue pops up at our facility every few months, providers enter the order, mark it as STAT, and don't understand why another dose is scheduled, perhaps within a very short time frame of the original. This is not intuitive. The patient is at risk for multiple doses. Example: Ancef 2 gm Q 8 hours ordered STAT- the provider thinks the 1st dose will be "NOW" and the subsequent doses will be at the appropriately scheduled time, so if it's 1300 when the antibiotic is ordered, that 1st dose would be given at 1300 and the subsequent doses would be scheduled at 2200, 0600, and 1400 (the following day). Currently, when the provider puts in a STAT order , they have to enter 2 orders: 1 STAT for "now", and then another order for the scheduled dose of Every 8 hours (etc.)that may start with an administrative time very close to the STAT order time, prompting an extra dose.