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Dream Factory by TruBridge Ideas Portal
Status More Information Needed
Categories Security
Created by Teddy Busby
Created on Apr 16, 2024


It would be great if the behaviors/securities could be searchable by rule number.

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  • Admin
    Michelle Mason
    Apr 19, 2024

    True that the search when Associating a Rule from a Login or Role does not search for the number. I'm curious if you have tried using the "Rule Management" option to search for the Rule by number and Add Association directly from the Rule. If you know the number, this method may be preferable. This may not fit your use case, but I wanted to put it out there as an option.

  • Angela Plummer
    Apr 19, 2024

    When associating a rule to a user you cannot search by rule ID/number

  • Admin
    Michelle Mason
    Apr 18, 2024

    Can you give a little more information on where and when you would like to be able to find the rule number?