When setting the filters for the Lab Recent Trend card, the user only sees the labs that the current patient has had. There needs to be the ability for the user to see all available labs to filter by. It is very cumbersome to try to find a patient that has all of the labs that the user is wanting to filter.
Yes, that is exactly what I'm saying. We are needing to be able to choose a lab set by provider/user. However, if the patient doesn't have all of those labs, you don't even get the option to choose them to save as a filter option.
@Guest, The way it works now, if you have 'Select All' checked with Test Types: Selected Test or Selected & Abnormal, any lab that patient has resulted is automatically checked and included in the display. I think you are saying that you want to be able to set a custom list of labs by provider or end user to always display. If a patient had a lab test resulted outside of the custom list, the end user would have to adjust the filters to have the lab display. If this is not what you are thinking, could you please send your use case.