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Dream Factory by TruBridge Ideas Portal
Status More Information Needed
Created by Gary Davis
Created on Jul 20, 2022


I always felt Evident was missing out on some potential customers by not having a Rehab module as part of the Rehab/PT application from Ancillary.

During past installs many department managers were none too thrilled about having to enter charges in Evident, then go back to their current rehab package to document, etc! Wanted their staff to do everything in one place, but is not an option from Evident!

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  • Jake Turberville
    Jul 11, 2024

    @Angela Plummer, I am the PO over documentation, if you do not mind reaching out to me in regards to your concerns, I would greatly appreciate it. My email is

  • Beth Adams
    May 31, 2024

    @Guest Thank you for reaching out on this. Since this DF entry was entered by a TruBridge former employee, I do not have any context as to the full scope of what the original reporter stated. However, I will notify the Documentation PO to review your comment and determine if there are any measures we can take to help alleviate some of the pain points you mentioned. If you would like to enter your own Dream Factory Idea with the specifics of your needs, it may help others to vote on it. I suspect this one has low votes due to the vagueness of the post. Thank you.

  • Angela Plummer
    May 31, 2024

    I don't know if it is just our facility or what but I find it very interesting that this only has 4 votes. Documentation is a long not user friendly process for our rehab department they have it all Notes, flowcharts & e-forms. That being said.... I don't know what the answer is for it but I do wonder how am I to make an EHR documentation system that is bedside focused work for Rehab, Oncology, Surgery (hasn't been updated in how long?). We piece together what we can to make the documentation work & hope everyone remembers where they are supposed to go to do that documentation. I had such high hopes with Notes & rehab.

  • Beth Adams
    Dec 5, 2023

    @Guest, I would like to get some more information on this request. You mentioned charging and documentation. Are you wanting a way to reflex charges based off the documentation? If so, what documentation are you currently using such as EForms, Flowcharts, Notes etc. Thank you.