On the patient profile you have the same options as account registration to make fields set to Y (yes go to the field) N (skip the field) or R (field is Required to be addressed).
I would like to have a fourth option that will allow me to turn off or block a field that I don't want to use or allow registration to enter data into.
Since the profile was originally built for clinics and migrated to the hospital environment, there is some logic that doesn't always make sense for us.
One example we struggle with is the Physician field on the Demographics tab of the Profile. This pulls to the attending physician field on a new account and then pulls forward to order entry as the ordering physician by default.
If a patient comes in with orders from a specialist, for example, and the registration clerk doesn't change the attending physician on the new account, then the wrong doctor is listed as the attending/admitting physician. When the order for their CT is placed under the wrong doctor...those results go back to the wrong doctor, not the one who actually wrote the orders.
And while there are at least 2 places this should be caught and we constantly re-train and come up with new ideas to address these pain points, when you have high volume and high staff turn-over, it's helpful to have some tools on the back end to enforce your policies and make it a little easier for staff by giving them one less thing to remember to do or check.